Imagine a school where your 13-year-old child was thriving rather than merely surviving. What would this school look like?
In order to thrive, students need to be immersed in an environment that specifically meets their developmental needs. The developmental needs of young adolescents can be grouped into four categories: cognitive, social, emotional and physical.
- Cognitive Development: The brain continues to adapt beyond the early years. Current research tells us that the changes occurring in the brain during late childhood, adolescence and young adulthood are particularly dramatic.
- Social Development: Identity, relationships, and moral capacity are developed in adolescence and are carried into early adulthood.
- Emotional Development: Emotion, motivation and stress are heightened. Learning to manage emotions is a key task in adolescence.
- Physical Development: Young people will notice changes in their cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and endurance, and flexibility. Leading a healthy and active lifestyle is a high priority.
Adapted from Stepping Stones: A Resource on Youth Developmentfrom the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario
We know that Grade 7 and 8 are important years in a person’s educational journey because we believe in the potential of kids. Our program is based on an asset model of youth development. Our goal is to ensure that youth are fully prepared for success and engagement in life, work and citizenship. In partnership with families, we develop the personal assets of youth in a broad and rich way.
At March Academy we have carefully created a positive learning environment for the 12 to 14-year-old so that youth can reach their full potential. Our thinking is based on current research in education, best practices world-wide and our ongoing discussions with families and youth. Reach out to us to learn how we can work together to support the formation of your child. www.marchacademy.ca
Young people are busy working out who they are and where they fit into the world. As caring adults, it is our duty as parents and educators to support our children’s development. See the links below for ways in which we can best support the adolescents in our lives.