The purpose of report cards is to help parents understand how their child is doing at school:
- Academically – Can my child read and work with numbers?
- Socially – Does my child get along with others?
- Personally – Is my child a hard-working student?
The theory is that if parents know their child’s progress, they can support their child at home. Research tells us that a parent’s involvement in their child’s education is paramount. “Study after study has shown us that student achievement improves when parents play an active role in their children’s education.” (Ministry of Education, Ontario)
Every Ontario public school uses the same report card template. For example, in Grades 1 to 6, the student receives letter grades in academic subjects followed by an anecdotal comment; Learning Skills are also scored and supported with comments. Many independent schools use letter grades to report learning in Grades 1 to 6 as well.
Accurate and timely feedback to parents about their child’s progress is very important to us at March Academy. Our system of formal reporting and goal setting has proven over the years to be valuable to parents and extremely supportive of students. Our teachers inform parents accurately of their child’s academic and social progress and at the same time maintain the child’s sense of dignity and self-worth.
At March Academy, we are fortunate to have the freedom to write in a way that parents and children understand. Report cards are addressed to parents in a sealed envelope with the knowledge that they will not be opened by the child. Letter grades are not assigned in grades 1 to 6. Rather, detailed anecdotal comments, in paragraph form, outline what your child has accomplished. The report cards at March Academy allow teachers to show parents how their child has progressed in their learning rather than a grade at the end of the term. Parents and children sit together to write individual learning goals that get communicated back to the teaching team. These parent/student-created goals are incorporated into the child’s individualized program.
We believe our reporting system truly helps parents understand their child’s progress and ultimately improves learning. Raising happy, healthy children is important to us. Visit our website to learn more about how we do things The March Academy